Below is the second and longest-serving nameplate for the original Skylighters site, which launched back in October 1996 and received over 500,000 unique visitors before it was retired on December 24, 2021.
When all was said and done, in a contradiction of the text on the banner, the site had become more than just the story of the battalion from June 1944 to May 1945, or even since its formation in 1942. It turned out to tell the story of not just the unit, but the stories of many of the men in it, from the 1920s and 1930s, through the war years, and – in many cases – into the early 21st Century. And of the world they grew up in.
An irony that manifested over the course of multiple reunions was that many of the members finally got to know each other for the first time nearly 50 years after returning home in December 1945.

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