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The Easy Red Sector of Omaha Beach, September 2006. To the right of center at the top of the bluffs can be seen a flagpole, marking the location of the Normandy American Cemetery. Elements of the 225th’s Headquarters Battery landed nearby on June 16, 1944, and walked up a path that had been cleared days earlier to the general vicinity of the present-day cemetery.
The general area in the 2006 photograph is shown here, in Robert Capa’s shot of men of the 16th Infantry Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division (“The Big Red One”) wading ashore at 6:30 AM on June 6, 1944.
The E-1 Draw, Easy Red Sector, Omaha Beach, 2006, viewed from atop the bluffs.
Troops of the US Army 2nd Infantry Division march up the bluff at the E-1 Draw in the Easy Red sector of Omaha Beach on D+1, 7 June 1944. They are passing the same German bunker visible in the above photo, part of Widerstandsnest (“resistance nest”) 65 (WN 65), that defended the route up the Ruquet Valley to Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer.U.S. Signal Corps photo.